Josée Lusignan
CFO, co-founder
Animated by generosity and boundless compassion, Josée is deeply inhabited by a cause that transcends all the challenges that come together: that of transforming society and its structures, in the best interests of humanity.
Her journey and her insatiable quest for a better world is reflected in remarkable achievements in the field of religion and spirituality, in reconciliation with indigenous peoples, in helping vulnerable families and children, in the recognition of caregivers of seniors, in helping to integrate cultural communities and, today, in what she considers to be the culmination of her life mission – advancing towards a new model of global prosperity propelled by conscious capitalism. Being an entrepreneur herself, she firmly believes that the imperative planetary change, which it is our responsibility to bring about collectively, begins with a commitment to live and serve according to the individual values that define us. This fundamental vision where everything by itself is combined with a new model of collaboration that allows businesses and citizens to rebuild a strong local economy that promotes a fair chance for all to express their full potential, the sharing of wealth and the good of the community.Carried by a deep love for marginalized people and visible minorities, Josée, since her childhood, lends herself body and soul to their defense and, if necessary, welcomes them under her roof. Deeply inspired by the strength and courage of her ancestors and the women who made history, Josée is a modern day pioneer.Citizen of the world, she is passionate about great challenges, she mobilizes whoever is needed in order to materialize her vision which has no borders. Such a journey requires unfailing resilience and Josée, who is on her X, is quite simply coded to tirelessly pursue her path towards a better world which, in her deep conviction, is within reach.