Everything you need to know to improve the quality of your life and our world through the SDGs
Attract Prosperity To Your Life
Serve the people and things that are aligned with your core
Take the #MyCore4 values challenge. The SDGs are a reminder to all who, by necessity or ambition, have gotten away from the basics – our connection to the Earth, to each other and even to ourselves. We are desperately in need of balance, as is our world, and the only way to see that balance manifested and to see the SDGs take root in our lives is through reconnection to our core – to the values that undergird our motivations and our actions. To heal the world, to improve our lives and circumstances, there is only one place to start – with ourselves! If you crave more balance, peace and prosperity, then discover your 4 core values today; they hold the power to make everything better.
While we hear about them increasingly, the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) may seem too complex or far removed from our day-to-day concerns for many of us to pay real attention. You may be surprised to know, however, that the UN actually depends on us to achieve the SDGs in our homes, our workplaces and our communities. More so, we must depend on each other to achieve them, as the SDGs exist to help us find our way to a place of balance and collective prosperity.
Good4.Global is currently in a pre-launch phase. As of February 2022, our platform will help you make informed decisions every time you shop, as you will have the ability to search for responsible businesses in your area. What a powerful way to support local companies that care about sustainability and social impact, and to prompt others to come on board! In addition, we will provide you with simple tools to assess your own impact on the SDGs.
Until then, here are some things you can do to support the SDGs:
Be ready when our platform launches in February 2022 by subscribing to our newsletter.
You won’t want to miss it!

People would like to make informed choices, but they cant. Unless a business brands itself as
cause-driven, there is no way of knowing who does what.

People would like to make informed choices, but they cant. Unless a business brands itself as
cause-driven, there is no way of knowing who does what.