Sponsor a market sector to inspire

The now famous Kia Gatineau automobile dealership is supporting the cause of G4G in front of the first official partner of the G4G platform, which is intended to raise awareness and involve individuals and entrepreneurs in achieving the 17 objectives of sustainable development. As a sponsor to say Mr. Laflamme president of KIA Gatineau, “On the one hand, we want to demonstrate KIA’s commitment to becoming the vehicle of the future, but we also want to inspire thousands of people in our region, because it no more than 10 years remain to initiate a global approach with the objective of saving the planet.

Author: alex

Martine Lepage

Chief Editor

Automotive sector

I’m passionate to see consumers impacting the automotive industry through the G4G community. The advances being made by manufacturers are encouraging, but there is so much ahead and together we can drive further change.Let’s make it happen!
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